Mason and Strings
Mason interacting with a character
Mason interacting with a character
Mason solving a puzzle
Mason solving a puzzle
Mason using the grappling hook
Mason using the grappling hook
 About the Game
Mason and Strings is a 2D puzzle platformer designed in a upper level Games course, focused on creating a whimsical world of characters and music. Mason comes with an array of grappling hook and chord focused mechanics to draw you in and make you feel like you're learning to play the guitar alongside Mason.
 My Role
I worked on Mason and Strings on a team as a lead developer and level designer as part of a course, and I implemented the grappling hook mechanic and programmed the chord wheel mechanic.
Join this dynamic duo on a short, lighthearted quest to collect music sheets around a lively world.
Find it on Steam now!

The team at TooManyGames in front of our booth with a cardboard cutout of Mason

Earlier in the year, my team and I were accepted into the indie games showcase at the TooManyGames convention. In early October, we presented our game to a wide audience, drawing in a wide range of people! It was wonderful to see people break the game in ways we didn't think possible and challenge the assumptions and decisions we made early in the development process to change before releasing it to a larger audience on Steam.
TooManyGames was a great place to talk to fellow indie developers and like-minded people, and I'm extremely proud of and grateful for our team and for the opportunity to be there.
The Rcket Legume
Main Menu
Main Menu
Instruction Menu
Instruction Menu
The start of a match
The start of a match
Cars rushing in mid-field
Cars rushing in mid-field
An opponent flipped over mid-game
An opponent flipped over mid-game
Pause Screen
Pause Screen
 About the Game
A spoof on its inspiration game Rocket League, Rcket Legume is a 3D soccer game developed for a Game Development course.
Aliens have kidnapped Charlie and forced him to play in a soccer game against cars from other planets. Win to save his home planet Earth, or lose and let the aliens take over.
The game stays true to the quick soccer mechanics of its inspiration game but has little narrative elements woven in to the fate of Earth and one little soccer game.
Find the project here.
My Thoughts
I enjoyed working on this project as a way to reinvent a well-known game and learn how to implement start and pause menus and to integrate end scenes for narrative, and I hope to eventually come back to implement Unity's Machine Learning Agents on the opponent players to increase the game's challenge.
Community Collective for Homelessness
Administrative Dashboard, where the shelter can edit information about users and about items in more detail
Administrative Dashboard, where the shelter can edit information about users and about items in more detail
Message requesting user to sign in for additional functionality
Message requesting user to sign in for additional functionality
Donation Page, where benefactors can see what items the local shelter needs
Donation Page, where benefactors can see what items the local shelter needs
Add Item Page, where the shelter can add items to the website that they need benefactors to donate
Add Item Page, where the shelter can add items to the website that they need benefactors to donate
Edit Post Page, where the shelter can edit information about the items they need donated
Edit Post Page, where the shelter can edit information about the items they need donated
 About the Project
The Community Collective for Homeless (CCH) is a web application for homeless shelters to minimize donation waste and maximize storage space by asking their benefactors to donate exactly what they need.
Designed as part of a course, I thoroughly planned out the implementation of CCH with diagrams and milestones before building it with HTML, CSS and Ruby on Rails for its demonstration to local nonprofit stakeholders.
Find the project here.
Hackathon Projects
A 2D platformer designed and developed in 24 hours with Angela Branchek (music composition and implementation), Sarah Hoffman (development), and Irina Yerman (graphics) in Unity and C#
During the hackathon, I worked to
- implement player movement
- design the start and win screens
- cooperatively develop the rabbit hiding mechanism
A text-based narrative game designed with Ben Spizuco and Vincent Terraneo in Twine
I collaborated with my teammates to
- develop a cohesive narrative
- implement animations
- craft a playful color palette
Find it here.

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